Sunday, January 30, 2011

Regular Ordinary Vegan Mealtime! which I create some swedish cuisine...

Hold on. Before you go any further, watch this video.

Needless to say, I too was impressed. I enjoyed the spectacle so much that I decided to craft a vegan version of a meal which is originally anything but. Here's how it goes:

Regular Ordinary Ingredients

Unsweetened Rice Milk
Parkay Squeezy Butter
Salt (ordinary)
Nutmeg (regular)
Nutritional Yeast (optional)
2/3 lbs. Macaroni
Vegan Sliced Deli "Ham"

[A note on measurements: in keeping with the video, I won't be using exact, or even approximate, measurements. This dish is best when eyeballed, anyway.]

Pour the rice milk into your pasta pot, add to this a bunch of squeezy butter, and generous pinches of nutmeg and salt, and bring the mixture to a low boil. Add the macaroni, and prepare to prepare the "sidepork."

Rub down a baking sheet with more squeezy butter and salt and lay down slices of the deli ham in a single layer. Wait until the macaroni is almost done to throw this in the oven; if it's kept in too long, the ham bits will dry out and harden.

Speaking of which, the mac is probably still boiling at this point. Let the batch simmer down, there's no draining here, we're cooking it directly in the eventual sauce. Nutritional yeast, at this point, can add some great umami to the dish, but if you don't have any, it can do without.

Cook the macaroni down until it's thick enough for your liking and serve it with the crispy ham bits on top. Done.

Bonus! A blurry photo of the finished product.

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