Saturday, March 24, 2007

FAQ - How big is the moon?

"The moon is much larger than it appears to be. This is worth remembering because next time you are looking at the moon you can say in a deep and myterious voice, 'The moon is much larger than it appears to be,' and people will know that you are a wise person who has thought about this a lot."

-Douglas Adams

Even though the moon is much larger than it appears to be, it's still much smaller than the earth actually is--in fact, only about a quarter of the size. A quarter is only one fourth of a dollar, which these days usually isn't enough money to buy anything of great value. The value of something is usually determined and set by the people selling the item or service in question. Asking questions is a good way to find things out. By asking questions of smart people you'll normally get things called answers in response. But more often you'll find that people are liars and are not to be trusted. Liar is what you call someone who tells lies. These are people who will knowingly decieve and confuse you in order to achieve their personal goals. Polititians are a good example of this. While not all could be labeled with such a harsh epithet, most can be called, with great certainty, liars. This shouldn't be held against them because it is their job. People take on jobs because they need money. In exchange for their services, their employers will give them money, proportional to the amount or degree of difficulty intrinsic the job. Money is something that can be exchanged then for other goods and services, the american version of which is measured in dollars. A dollar can then be split into four quarters and so on. If you were to compare the relative value of a quarter with a dollar, it would roughly approximate the difference in size between the earth and the moon.

Hopefully this clears things up.

James "The Answer Man" Hazelton PhD

Thursday, March 1, 2007


"So when are we gonna start?" "I told you already, we're going to wait until the sun's gone down before we do this. If we jump the gun, we'll mess it up and it'll all be for nothing." Jerry sighed at this. I don't blame him, with all the stress we've been under during the last few weeks; but now's not the time to be anxious, we need to stay focused. The last several minutes Jerry and I haven't been doing anything but watching and willing the sinking sun to move faster. We've signalled our counterparts, two more figures crouched behind the next rise, several times with the hand mirror in order to coordinate the teams' actions, but I still feel sweat beginning to bead on my forehead. The tools have been meticulously laid out in front of me for a while now, laid out in a row. We've got everything ready--just don't jump the gun. I watch breathlessly as the smallest portion of the deep crimson sun dips below the horizon and Jerry and I meet eyes and give the smallest of nods. Time to start. The feeling of my fork dipping into moist cake fills my senses and I begin to drool like one of Pavlov's pooches. The taste is even better, like the first breath of air at the surface of the water. "Jeez," I remarked between bites, "Lent lasted forever this year, right?"