Monday, March 21, 2011

First Impressions - Jameson Blended Irish Whiskey tribute to Saint Paddy's Day...

This week, after unintentionally sleeping through most of Saint Patrick's day and missing out on all of the boozy fun I could've been having, I went out and bough myself some Irish Whiskey. I figured that Jameson had that classic, recognizable name and therefore should have, at least, a bit of quality to it.

I wasn't wrong. It's a very interesting, enjoyable drink.

Before I get into more detail, I'll tell you that this 750 ml bottle of 80 proof (40%) alcohol cost me about $26 dollars. Not bad for a mid-range whiskey, but I've looked around and I should've found it for cheaper than that. No matter!

The Notes

Tasting (official): "Vanilla, lemondade, oak, Sprite, gentle clove spice, too.

Nice oily texture, waxy. Some heat. More spice than the nose indicated, balanced against a strong bready sweetness, barley sugar, and maple. Honey. Vanilla." -From Dr. Whiskey

Tasting (mine): I definitely get the vanilla, oak, and (something I wasn't smelling for) Sprite in the nose. It's a sweet, but broad and oaky nose that gets a bit spicy if you smell too long. The tasting is unfortunately a bit underwhelming at first, it doesn't give the nice, enveloping warmth that other whiskeys do. However, the taste develops greatly at the back of the mouth and down the throat, where it really opens up and shows it's oaky, bitter side. The overall experience is very smooth, buttery, and sweet. Very enjoyable, but the underwhelming start in the front of the mouth leaves a bit to be desired.

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